quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2016


Brazil is experiencing a golden time regarding to tourism. Only during 2014 World Cup, around 600.000 foreigns came to attend the events. Although such opportunities seem bright at first, one has to consider the social impact it might cause in developing countries.
If before events of this magnitude the numbers of human trafficking, especially children and adolescents for sexual exploitation were already alarming, during the celebrations it reached significant levels, among other transgressions.
Brazil is on top regarding to rates of child prostitution, alongside Sri Lanka, Thailand and Cambodia, which inevitably links irresponsible tourism to this sad reality.
Such irresponsability should as well lay on the government of the countries in question but also and especially on the tourists that come and even their policies, for there is a need of awareness on this issue by developed nations.
It is known that undeveloped countries are considered the paradise for pedophiles, so it's way past time to end this status quo, which will demand commitment between the nations that send and the ones that receive the tourists,
A database containing information on this sort of criminals shared by the countries in question is a kickstart, and campaigns of awareness have an important role, for still persists the toxic idea that some human beings are most valuable than others; that some, just by the fact of being born in an underdeveloped country are meant to be explored. This mindset has to change, creating space to a new generation in which the main keyword is equality, recognizing the most basic rights of children, still often violated in XXI century.
Another proposition that should be analysed is that developing countries with serious child exploitation issues that do not present policies of action against it and improvements proven under a determined time should become unable to be hosts of big and global events like World Cup and Olympics. The entities involved should make an impact study on the prospect host and refuse it in case of no improvement within the time specified.
Children must be protected, requiring innovation and impact actions to make a change.

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